In My Valley, Claude Ponti leads us on a journey through an enchanted world inhabited by tiny, adorable, monkey-like creatures called ‘Twims.’ This is a place where uprooted buildings soar through the sky, trees keep the secrets you whisper to them, magic seeds grow into huge ships, and singing stones make children’s wishes come true. Clever language and beautifully detailed maps of imaginary landscapes will delight children and adults alike. Ponti himself has said, ‘My stories are like fairytales, always situated in the marvelous, speaking to the interior life and emotions of children. That way each child can get what they want out of the images: the characters and dreams are their own.’ The first book published by Elsewhere Editions, My Valley is one of three of Ponti’s marvels available in English, including a Where’s Waldo-esque lollapalooza, Blaze and the Castle Cake for Bertha Daye, and a poignant, inventive rethinking of The Ugly Duckling, Hiznobyuti.